Category: Sweet bakes

Chocolate chunk shortbread

If you are like me and love Marks and Spencers shortbread as they have a good amount of chocolate, rich buttery-tasting shortbread, that just melts in your mouth, then you will love these. In general, the addition of chocolate in any recipe always makes it taste so much better. I struggle to get…

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Gluten free Jam doughnut muffins

Gluten free baking can always be a tricky, especially when just using GF flours and not ground almonds, I always worry whether it will rise enough or will it taste nice? Saying that these muffins didn’t disappoint, they did taste really nice (although I knew they were GF) and the jam is awesome….

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Gluten free pistachio and chocolate chip cookies

I have never made Gluten free cookies but there is always a first, I was a bit skeptical if they would work or not, and would they live up to the cookie dream of being crispy? gooey? soft? chewy? or just god damn rock hard! I used Becky Excell recipes and she is…

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Diary free Coffee and Walnut cake

I do love coffee, the taste and smell are both so delicious, who is with me? If I could have a coffee candle I would lol. I’ve never made a dairy-free version of coffee and walnut cake but thought it shouldn’t be an issue as I have made so many DF cakes and…

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Mini orange upside-down cakes

I don’t think I’ve ever made any upside-down cakes before and wanted to try a mini version as I love anything mini. I know Pineapple upside down cakes are notorious (very 90’s if you ask me!) for the go to upside down cakes but well I wanted to be different and decided on…

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Mixed berry oat bars

I follow MOB Kitchen on Instagram and these beauties popped up on my insta feed. Anything oat usually gets my attention straight away as I have a slight obsession. I have my own version of crumble bars (these don’t have any oats though) which I have made a number of times and have…

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Mini pecan pie

Pecan pie is one of those classic pies that will never go out of fashion. If you love pecans and spices then this one definately hits the spot. It’s such an autumnal dessert and usually ate at thanks giving in America. Pecan pie filling traditionally usually contains corn syrup in but the UK…

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Jaffa drizzle loaf

I first tried this cake many years ago when a colleagues daughter made it and she brought it in to work, and OMG it was so delicious! I was so eager to make this it as I wanted my family to fall in love with it too! and when they did try it…

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Ferrero roche stuffed cupcakes

Those who know me know that Ferrero roche are one of my fav chocolate. The fact they have Nutella in the center makes it even more amazing!. And I just love the hazelnuts, you can’t go wrong with chocolate and nut combo. I haven’t made cupcakes in a while and fancied something chocolatey….

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Mini stuffed nutella pancakes

I’m not sure what the difference between the name of these pancakes are called are they Ebelskivers or Poffertjes? Maybe I should stick to calling them mini pancakes. I don’t want to get the wrong interpretation do I? These little beauties aren’t your straight forward recipe of pancakes as a all in one…

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