I really like spinach and ricotta cannelloni which I’ve made a few times but I wanted to try something a bit different so I thought of using aubergine with the spinach and ricotta mix and then baking it. This recipe does take a while to make and involves a few processes but it’s worth the wait yummmmmmy.

rolled-aubergine2 rolled-aubergine3

Rolled up spinach and ricotta aubergine bake
Serves 4
Prep Time
50 min
Cook Time
35 min
Prep Time
50 min
Cook Time
35 min
  1. For the spinach and ricotta
  2. olive oil
  3. 3 – cloves of minced garlic
  4. 1/2 – frozen spinach or 1 packet of fresh spinach
  5. 1 – tub of ricotta
  6. 3/4 -1 tsp – freshly ground nutmeg
  7. salt and pepper
  8. For the aubergine
  9. 2 – aubergines try look for long sized ones
  10. flour for dusting
  11. olive oil for frying
  12. For the tomato sauce
  13. olive oil
  14. 1 – medium chopped onion
  15. 1 – tin of chopped tomato
  16. 4 – cloves of minced garlic
  17. basil fresh or dry
  18. 3/4 tsp – dry oregano
  19. salt and pepper to taste
  20. Garnish
  21. Mozzarella
  1. 1. Start by making the sauce. Add a good gulg of olive oil to a saucepan and let it heat up add the onion and garlic fry until soft then add the chopped tomatoes, salt and pepper to taste, herbs and leave to simmer.
  2. 2. In another saucepan heat the olive oil and add the minced garlic, let it fry until soft then add the fresh/frozen spinach and add the nutmeg, salt and pepper leave to cook.
  3. 3. Add some flour in plate. Thinly slice the aubergine and coat the aubergine in the flour. In a large frying pan heat up some olive oil and add the coated aubergine fry until slightly cooked. Repeat until all the aubergines are cooked.
  4. 4. Check on the spinach and make sure any water is burnt off, switch it off and leave to cool then mix in the tub of ricotta cheese.
  5. 5. Preheat the oven to 175°C
  6. 6. Grease a baking dish with olive oil
  7. 7. Take a piece of the aubergine and from one end add a heaping of the spinach mix and roll the aubergine up. Stack the aubergine upright and continue until it’s all finished.
  8. 8. Pour the sauce all over the aubergine and bake for 25-30 mins until it’s golden at the top.
  1. I needed to add more cheese my dish looked very tomatoey, next time I make the dish I would add grated cheddar cheese as well as Mozzarella.