I know, I know, yet another Guinness recipe, this time there is a reason behind my Guinness craziness, I was making this espically for my cousin who I was going to visit. I remember him saying he really enjoyed eating Guinness chocolate cake, so I thought, I would reminisce his time of eating that cake. I was just hoping that it was a good as the one he had eaten!

I didn’t realise that the cake was very easy to make a cake be made using just one pan, however I did transfer it to the stand mixer to make sure it was combined well. You can just stick with using a whisk and it will work fine, so if you unfortunately do not own a stand mixer or hand mixer, this is your lucky day!

The original recipe called for a 9″ cake tin and not cupcakes but as I haven’t made cupcakes for a while I decided to convert them into cute little cupcakes instead. The mixture itself is very wet, don’t worry, it still bakes well and will be moist and scrummy.

I found out of all the Guinness recipes I have made lately this one had the strongest taste of Guinness.

Guinness cupcakeGuinness cupcake2Guinness cupcake3Guinness cupcake4 Guinness cupcake5 Guinness cupcake6 Guinness cupcake7 Guinness cupcake8 Guinness cupcake9 Guinness cupcake10 Guinness cupcake11 Guinness cupcake12

Guinness Chocolate Cupcakes
Yields 24
A delicious and moist Guinness Chocolate Cake
Prep Time
25 min
Cook Time
15 min
Prep Time
25 min
Cook Time
15 min
  1. 250ml - Guinness
  2. 250g - unsalted butter softened
  3. 80g - Cocoa Powder
  4. 375g - Caster Sugar
  5. 2 - medium eggs
  6. 1 tsp - Vanilla Extract
  7. 150ml - Sour Cream
  8. 290g - Plain Flour
  9. 2 tsp - Bicarbonate of Soda
  10. 1/2 tsp - Baking Powder
  1. 280g - Cream cheese
  2. 50g - unsalted butter
  3. 200g - icing sugar
  1. 1. Line a 12 cup cake tray with cases and preheat the oven to 175°C.
  2. 2. In a saucepan add the Guinness and butter on a low flame, cook until the butter is completely melted. Take the pan off the heat then add the cocoa powder and sugar whisk and let it cool slightly then add the eggs, vanilla and sour cream and mix.
  3. 3. Transfer the Guinness mixture in a stand mixer then add the flour, baking powder and soda and mix until everything is smooth and well combined.
  4. 4. Fill each cupcake case until it's 2/3 full. Bake for 15 minutes, then place on a cool rack to cool.
  5. 5. To make the frosting beat the butter and icing sugar together in a stand mixer until you have a fine crumb mixture. Add the cream cheese and beat on a high speed for 2-3 minutes. Once the cupcake are completely cool, pipe the icing over the cupcakes and then finely dust with cocoa powder.