I wanted to make this for my cousin who’s house I was staying at.

A long while ago, my cheeky cousin as my sister in law would describe him, asked me one day to make a salted caramel cheesecake and he did get a telling off!!! What she didn’t realise was that it’s so much easier for me to bake something that someone wants to eat rather then thinking what shall I make? Anyway remembering that day I just knew what I wanted to bake which was great, I thought. 

When I envisioned this salted caramel cheesecake, I wanted it to include a caramel sauce within the cheesecake as well as being on top. So, was this recipe easy to find, NO not particularly. Most of the salted caramel cheesecakes are based around a vanilla based cheesecake with salted caramel sauce on top. 

Butttt……..luckily I found one, and even better it was very simple to make! wohooo result.

I was however very heartbroken with this cheesecake, as I had issues, very big issues I might add. The issue was in taking the cheesecake out from the tin. The base came apart and broke! I was so disheartened and it really looked like a patch job. Luckily my cousin was fine with it but I wasn’t. I usually don’t use these huge tins as I prefer small individual tins, so this has put me off from making cheesecakes in these huge springform tin now! I do think there are slight adjustments I need to make to make this exceptional and it was just lacking that oomph! Next time I would add a lot more caramel sauce on the top and a bit more salt as that didn’t come through. Also I would add some caramel sauc on the base of the cheesecake too. Apart from that the cheesecake was super simple to make.

salted caramel cheesecakesalted caramel cheesecake2salted caramel cheesecake3salted caramel cheesecake4salted caramel cheesecake5salted caramel cheesecake6 

Salted Caramel Cheesecake
Salted caramel gooey cheesecake
Prep Time
25 min
Cook Time
1 hr 15 min
Prep Time
25 min
Cook Time
1 hr 15 min
For the base
  1. 225g - digestive biscuits
  2. 110g - unsalted butter
For the cheesecake
  1. 560g - Cream cheese, softened
  2. 300ml - Creme Fraiche
  3. 1 cup - packed light brown sugar
  4. 1/4 cup - salted caramel sauce
  5. 1 tsp - vanilla extract
  6. 4 - large eggs, room temperature
For the base
  1. 1. Start by lining and greasing a 10" spring form pan or mini spring form tin.
  2. 2. In a food processor or zip lock bag grind/bash the biscuits until they form crumbs. Place in the fridge to set.
  3. 3. Preheat oven to 160°C. Wrap foil tightly around pan to form a barrier against water. Foil should come as high up pan as possible all the way around.
  4. For the cheesecake.
  5. 1. In a stand mixer add the brown sugar and blend until clumps are removed, add the caramel and mix again until smooth. Add the cream cheese and sour cream until combine then mix in vanilla. Add eggs, one at a time – on low – blending gently after each addition, don’t over mix.
  6. 2. Pour into prepared crust and place into a large roasting pan.
  7. 3. Pour boiling water carefully outside pan, creating a hot water bath. Make sure the water level is below the top of the foil.
  8. 4. Bake for 70 – 80 minutes, checking frequently. Cheesecake is done when outside stops jiggling*
  9. 5. Leave to cool in the fridge preferably overnight.
  10. 6. Top with additional salted caramel sauce.
  1. *For best results leave the cheesecake to cool in the oven.