My mother dearest loves a bit of strawberries and cream. I have seen strawberry cake recipes and thought this would be a perfect cake for Mother’s Day.

The cake has actual pureed strawberries in it. Most of the recipes I found added food colouring to make it have that atheistically pleasing colour, but I wanted my cake to be ‘au natural’ without any food colouring. My cake however didn’t give out the subtle pink colour like the other recipes and just looked like a normal cake with slight bits of strawberries in. It definately didn’t look as nice as the other cakes. I know I wanted the natural cake and thought without adding the food colouring the strawberries would give off the natural food colouring like beetroots do. I don’t think the colours in strawberries are as strong as they are in beetroots.

The original cake made quite a large and tall cake, I halved the recipe and used a 6″ tin to make three tier cake. I wanted to use my new cake plate I brought, it’s just so cute and tiny, I love it. The original recipe is in the recipe below.

I wasn’t actually sure with this cake in the end, I didn’t like the texture and I was expecting the cake to have more colour, so I wasn’t really happy. I’m not sure if halving the recipe ruined the overall cake, I would try it again but only if I have enough people to eat it!
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My Mother's Day Strawberry and Cream Cake
Serves 8
Strawberries and Cream cake with pureed strawberries and vanilla cream.
Prep Time
35 min
Cook Time
20 min
Prep Time
35 min
Cook Time
20 min
For the cake
  1. 1/2 cup - sliced fresh strawberries
  2. 1/2 - tablespoon water
  3. 1 cup - plain flour
  4. 3/4 cup + 1 tbsp - caster sugar
  5. 1/2 - tbsp - baking powder
  6. 1/4 tsp - salt
  7. 57g - unsalted butter, softened
  8. 2 egg whites at room temperature
  9. 1/2 - cup whole milk at room temperature
  10. 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
For the frosting
  1. 226g - Cream Cheese, cold
  2. 350ml - Double cream, cold
  3. 3/4 cup - Icing sugar
  4. pinch of salt
  5. 1 tsp - vanilla extract
For Decoration
  1. Extra Strawberries (optional)
For the Cake
  1. 1. In a medium saucepan, add the strawberries, 1 tablespoon of sugar, and water. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Boil for 5 minutes or until the strawberries cook down and start to thicken. Remove from the heat and let cool 15 minutes. You should have roughly 1/4 cup puree.
  2. 2. In a mixing bowl, add the butter, flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Beat until just combined so it forms little pebbles.
  3. 3. In another bowl, whisk together the egg whites, milk, and vanilla. Add about half of the mixture into the mixing bowl and beat until just incorporated (do not overmix). Add the remaining milk mixture and repeat. Add the cooked strawberry puree.
  4. 4. Divide the mixture between the three 6" pans and bake 20-25 minutes or cake tester comes out clean. Cool for 15 minutes then invert cakes onto cooling racks. Cool completely.
For Frosting
  1. 1. In a stand mixer whip cream with icing sugar until it forms stiff peaks then add the vanilla and salt.
  2. 2. In another bowl, use a hand mixer to soften the cream cheese, about 30 seconds.
  3. 3. Gently fold whipped cream into cream cheese mixture then use mixer until it's fully combined.
  4. 4. When the cake is cool decorate as desired.
  1. Make the frosting only when you want to use it, you could make it ahead but it needs to be stored in the fridge.