Category: Cakes

Orange, cranberry and almond cupcakes with orange icing

When I first tried this recipe I did a bit of a boo boo! the recipe called for cranberries but I didn’t have any so I used sultanas instead, bigggggggggggggggggggggg mistake!!!!!!!, the sultans were too heavy for the cake mix and ended up sinking to the bottom of the tin boo hoo :(,…

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Sticky icky toffee cake

I have this obsession with sticky toffee pudding it’s a very traditional dessert and is something I always look out for when eating out in a pub. I know it’s the ultimate fatty dessert but it’s just soooooooooo nice I suppose it’s ok to have it once in a while so I just…

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Sticky ginger cake

As Halloween is just around the corner I thought I would get into the spirit(get it?) of making something for the theme and I was thinking nothing beats a bit of ginger cake. The fiery ginger taste and spice is just right for this chilly autumn weather, I am not liking the dark…

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Eggless bundt cake

Eggs, those protein filled little goodness is one of the things I most miss during religious events (only as I want to eat cakes), but there is no need, no need at all, eggless cake recipes are available everywhere. I think making a moist eggless cake is very difficult. I have tried a…

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It’s not Terry’s it’s mine…chocolate jaffa orange cupcakes

Before I begin with the recipe, apart from being obsessed with food I’m very bimbo at times…when I was younger and the advert of Terry’s chocolate orange came on TV and Dawn French used to say ‘It’s not Terry’s it’s mine’ I never understood it, what has Terry got to do with it?…I…

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