Category: Cakes

My Mother’s Day Strawberry and Cream Cake

My mother dearest loves a bit of strawberries and cream. I have seen strawberry cake recipes and thought this would be a perfect cake for Mother’s Day. The cake has actual pureed strawberries in it. Most of the recipes I found added food colouring to make it have that atheistically pleasing colour, but I…

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Tiramisu Cake

Recently I have become to really a fan of Tiramisu. I always get excited by recipes or anything to do with Tiramisu. I do really like coffee and it does go well with cream. Tiramisu is really indulgent, rich, creamy and yes, quite a fatty dessert but just so yummy. I think it’s always good to…

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Coconut Sunshine Cake Balls

Baking with coconut isn’t something I usually do. I do like coconut but it’s not particularly something I usually make. This wasn’t really my choice but my dads, he wanted to try this cake out. It contained coconut cream which is something I’ve never used before but I imagined it being this thick…

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My first Christmas Cake

10/11/14 This is a first for me, I have never made a Christmas Cake even though I have plenty in my time. This was the year for me to make one.  I think I’ve been nervous to attempt it, there are so many good ones around and I’m one of these people that like to try…

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Pumpkin Cinnamon Strudle and ooozing chocolate molten loaf

The molten chocolate in this recipe definately did it for me. I couldn’t wait to make this loaf…actually it was mainly the chocolate molten I was most excited about! When I had seen the oozing thick chocolate coming from the cake I was in love. I had to make this cake.  We had…

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Decadent Chocolate Beetroot Cake

Ever since I’ve heard about Chocolate beetroot cake, which was a few years ago now, (I think I seen Hugh Whittingstall make it) I’ve wanted to make it. I do enjoy eating picked beetroot in salads, so yummy, it has the slight sweet, earthy and sharp taste to it. I did have my…

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The Signature Carrot Cake

For those of you who don’t know me, this is one cake I’m well known for. I’ve made it a number of times for a number of birthdays, street fairs, get togethers, competitions and probably other things I can’t remember. Out of all the cakes this one is the most special to me,…

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Courgette Cake

Courgette cake ehhh….yes you heard right, it has courgette in. Using vegetables in cakes are very on trend at the moment. I’ve seen a lot of recipes for courgette cake for a while so it isn’t something new. It was actually my dad who gave me the push to make this cake, which…

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Eggless cake with a passion

Yet another year flies by for my Mum’s birthday, this year it fell on Shravan so it was an excuse to try an another eggless cake recipe!…this one had a hint of passion…the passion fruit kind. I love the taste of passion fruit it’s just so delicious and exotic. I remember when I was little…

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Lemon and Blueberry awesomeness

I love blueberries and lemon is always yummy. I seen this cake in the Tesco magazine it looked soooooooooo yummy and had that drool effect to it! It was for Mothers day and what a perfect cake to make for the all the mothers out there! My mum choose this recipe from a range of few…

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