No No No it’s not New Years it’s February.

My Dad seen this recipe in a book and he wanted to have it baked on his birthday. According to the history behind the cake called Vasilopita traditionally, it’s made with a single coin baked into it and legend has it the person who is served that slice will have good luck in the coming year. I actually didn’t read that part until writing up this recipe! God knows how I missed that but what a sweet and interesting tradition. 

The cake is especially for the those people who loves nuts it has a mixture of pistachios, almonds and walnuts yummy! I think our whole family are lovers of nuts so I was looking forward to trying this.

I made a slight mistake eeek, I added all the nuts into the mixture instead of putting half of them on top! I only noticed after and was like shoot!!!!!! it actually wasn’t my fault as the book forgot to mention that step in the book! however there was a small photo illustrating it but you generally read the method. Anyway I didn’t mind the nuts being inside the cake it gave it a nice crunchy texture. 


Greek New Year's Cake
Serves 14
Greek New Year's Cake with a mixture of nuts
Prep Time
20 min
Cook Time
30 min
Prep Time
20 min
Cook Time
30 min
  1. 125g - soft unsalted butter
  2. 1 tsp - lemon zest
  3. 275g - caster sugar
  4. 3 - eggs (I used medium)
  5. 75g - self raising flour
  6. 150g - plain flour
  7. 1/4 tsp - bi carb
  8. 125ml - milk
  9. 1 tbsp - lemon juice
  10. 2 tbsp - pistachios finely chopped
  11. 2 tbsp - almonds finely chopped
  12. 2 tbsp - walnuts finely chopped
For the topping
  1. 2 tbsp - pistachios coarsely chopped
  2. 2 tbsp - almonds coarsely chopped
  3. 2 tbsp - walnuts coarsely chopped
  1. 1. Preheat the oven at 175°C and line a 9" tin.
  2. 2. In a bowl add the butter, zest, sugar and beat with an electric mix until light and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time beating between. The mixture may curdle but don't worry.
  3. 3. In another mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl make sure it's mixed. Sift the dry ingredients and milk into the other bowl, in two batches, then stir in juice and nuts (don't use the topping nuts).
  4. 4. Place mixture in the baking tin. Add the topping nuts over the cake.
  5. 5. Bake for 30-45 minutes and then cover with foil and check with a cake tester whether it's cooked.
  6. 6. Once cooled dust with icing sugar.