I made these nearly a month ago for the Macmillain ‘World’s biggest coffee morning’ but these are something I’ve made a number of times before that, as per usual the idea came about for my mums love for lemon. I can’t actually remember why we  had a jar of lemon curd of how the lemon curd came about I’m not sure if we brought some or if we were given it or did I use it for another recipe?…ok I better stop coming up with reasons behind why I had a jar of lemon curd!…anyway I searched for a recipe for lemon curd muffins and came up with this recipe and when I first tried them we all found them amazing! my mum especially she really loved them for course.

Actually I think I remember something about the lemon curd we were in the supermarket and they were giving samples of lemon curd and meringues and we really liked it and then I found a recipe for a lemon and coconut sponge cake from their magazine and was going to try it for mothers day which I did and we had some lemon curd left over and that’s I THINK! were the whole lemon curd muffin recipe came about! wohooooooooooo there was a means to an end! Let me get back to recipe before you think I’m really weird, the original recipe states it will make 12 muffins but I like the big fat muffins, these ones aren’t the fattest but if you prefer small muffins then you can make 12, this will make about 8 I think it was.


Luscious lemon curd muffins
Yields 8
Prep Time
15 min
Cook Time
20 min
Prep Time
15 min
Cook Time
20 min
Dry ingredients
  1. 200g – self-raising flour
  2. 100g – golden caster sugar
  3. optional a zest of one lemon
Wet ingredients
  1. 1 – large egg
  2. 75ml – sunflower oil
  3. 150ml – milk
  4. ½ tsp – vanilla extract
For filling
  1. 8-12 heaped tsp – lemon curd
  2. Lemon sugar syrup optional
  3. 4 tbsp – lemon juice
  4. 50g – golden caster sugar or to taste
  1. 1. Preheat the oven to 190°C and line a hole muffin tin with 8 paper cases.
  2. 2. Mix all the dry ingredients into a bowl and stir in the sugar.
  3. 3. Mix all the wet ingredients with a fork (not the filling)
  4. 4. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry and stir gently fold together until just combined.
  5. 5. Put half the mixture in each paper case, top with heaped 1 tsp of lemon curd, then top with the rest of the muffin mixture.
  6. 6. Bake for 10-15 minutes until risen and firm.
  7. 7. Whilst baking, in a small mixing bowl mix heat up the lemon and sugar in the microwave and then put the syrup over eat muffin once they come out the oven and leave them to cool before you scoff them!
  1. When I usually make these muffins I don’t add the topping on them but when I made these for the Macmillian I used the original topping of lemon curd with a bit of sugar but I found it was a bit too sweet, so I changed the topping for the lemon sugar syrup it’s sticky and you can control the amount of sugar you add in.
  2. I know the muffins give the appearance of looking a bit under cooked but they are cooked, I’m thinking of a way to make the top look a bit more brown without burning them in the inside, once I find a solution I will post it.
Adapted from Goddess’s Kitchen