The summer is starting to fade away (kindaof) and slowly the mornings are starting to crisp up and feel chilly, all in time for the autumn season. 

These cupcakes are very quintessentially British but also shout summer, who doesn’t like a bit of strawberries and cream, maybe it should really be called Wimbledon cupcakes as you know, that is how you roll when your there!

These are a very basis and easy recipe with the added twist (and bonus) of the strawberries inside the cupcake too! So for those how are fans of strawberries these are real treat for you.

Strawberry and Cream Cupcakes
Yields 12
A delicious and creamy strawberry and cream cupcake
Cook Time
15 min
Cook Time
15 min
For the cupcakes
  1. 3 - large eggs
  2. 175g - unsalted butter
  3. 175g - caster sugar
  4. 175g - self-raising flour
  5. 11/2 tsp - baking powder
  6. 1 tsp - vanilla extract
  7. 12 - Large strawberries
For the cream
  1. 300ml - double cream
  2. icing sugar to taste
  3. 1 tsp - vanilla extract
  4. 6 strawberries cut in half (optional) decoration
  1. 1. Pre-heat the oven to 180°C/Fan 160°C/gas 4. Line cupcake tin with cases.
  2. 2. Cut each strawberry into four lengthways. Place four strawberries so it lines up against the case.
  3. 3. Measure the butter, sugar, eggs, flour and baking powder into a large bowl and beat until thoroughly blended.
  4. 4. Divide the mixture evenly between the cases.
  5. 5. Bake in the pre-heated oven for about 15 minutes or until well risen and the tops of the cakes spring back when lightly pressed with a finger. Leave the cupcakes to cool on a wire rack.
For the cream
  1. 1. In a stand mixer mix the cream, sugar and vanilla extract until it's forms stiff peaks.
  2. 2. Pipe onto cooled cupcakes and top off with a strawberry.