Cheesecake is a family fav dessert of ours. I do think it’s a very good dessert something which you can’t really go wrong with and generally most people like it (generally!!). The non-baked one are generally really easy to make and quick. I usually don’t make baked cheesecakes as much.

I brought a jar of cherries and didn’t know what to do with them so I thought why not make a cherry cheesecake. I have taken a very old recipe of cheesecake that I have used over and over again, it’s an actual lemon one and I had given that same recipe to a number of my relatives as they loved it too! I used this recipe as a base for this cherry cheesecake but I adapted it and made it more cherrylike. It however didn’t turn out how I expected as the cherries itself were not that great, they were not juicy as I thought or as flavoursome as I wanted. I ended up adding some cherrie compote into the mix to give it that extra kick but that did make the cheesecake a tad sweet.

The cheesecake overall needed more cherry flavour and I think due to the cherries from the jar not being very flavourful was the main reason the flavour didn’t come out. I need to work on this cheesecake and make it taste as good as the lemon one! I do think that next I will buy a really good jar of cherries and it will sort out the problem so give it a try but make sure the cherries you buy are of good quality. 


Mini cherry cheesecake
Yields 12
Mini cherry cheesecake with cherries and cherry compote
Prep Time
20 min
Prep Time
20 min
  1. 350g - cream cheese
  2. 110g - digestive biscuits
  3. 50g - butter
  4. 50g - caster sugar
  5. 150ml - double cream
  6. 1 - jar of cherries (drained)
  7. 2 tsp - cherry compote
  1. 1. Place all the biscuits in a thick sandwich bag and bash with a rolling pin until it resembles crumbs.
  2. 2. Melt the butter in a saucepan and mix in the crushed biscuits and brown sugar.
  3. 3. Press the mixture into either a 8" loose base tin or mini tin with lose bases, press the mixture down and then place in the fridge to chill in the fridge while you make the topping.
  4. 4. Beat together the cream cheese, castor sugar, cherries and cherry compote until smooth and creamy.
  5. 5. Whip the double cream until you have soft peaks.
  6. 6. Mix together the cream cheese mixture and the cream.
  7. 7. Divide the mixture between the base or bases and chill for a couple of hours or overnight.
  1. It's important to allow time for refrigerating I usually make this overnight but 4 hours should be enough.
  2. I reduced the amount of sugar in this recipe so that it wasn't as sweet, but taste and add more if needed.
  3. I added chocolate sauce over the cheesecakes as I think chocolate and cherry works well together.